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Top Tips to Avoid Getting Locked Out of Your Car

Posted on December 6th, 2023

Getting locked out of your car can be an exasperating and inconvenient ordeal. The feeling of helplessness that accompanies such a situation is something no one desires. However, with some careful planning, awareness, and precautionary measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of finding yourself locked out of your vehicle. 

In this in-depth guide, we will not only share valuable advice on how to prevent car lockouts but also offer profound insights into what to do if you still find yourself in such an unfortunate predicament. So, read on attentively to ensure that you're never left out in the cold (or sweltering heat) due to a car lockout.

Stay Mindful of Your Keys

Keep Spare Keys Handy

One of the most effective strategies to thwart car lockouts is to ensure you always have spare keys at the ready. Consider having an extra set of keys, both traditional and key fob if applicable, and store them in a secure yet accessible location. It's essential to avoid hiding them in overly conspicuous places, as experienced thieves can quickly identify these typical hiding spots. To take it a step further, you might even consider entrusting a spare set of keys to a trusted friend or family member, providing an additional layer of security in case of an emergency.

Create a Routine

Establishing a habitual practice of double-checking for your keys before leaving your car can be a game-changer. Make it an ingrained routine to confirm that you have your keys in hand before locking the doors. This simple practice, often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life, can save you from the anguish and frustration of a locked-out situation. For added convenience, consider using a keychain or lanyard to keep your keys within easy reach, as this can reduce the likelihood of leaving them behind.

Invest in a Key Finder

Key finders are nifty electronic devices that can be attached to your keys. These ingenious gadgets sync with your smartphone, allowing you to track the whereabouts of your keys through a mobile app. In case you misplace your keys, the app acts as a guiding beacon, helping you pinpoint their precise location and thereby preventing a potential lockout scenario. The peace of mind that comes with this technology is invaluable, especially for those prone to misplacing their keys.

Utilize Modern Technology

Keyless Entry Systems

If your vehicle is equipped with keyless entry systems, make the most of this cutting-edge technology. Keyless entry systems allow you to enter your car without physically using a key. However, it's crucial to ensure that your key fob has a functioning battery to prevent any potential issues. Regularly checking the battery level and replacing it when necessary is paramount. To be extra prepared, keep a spare battery at home or in your glove compartment, ready for use.

Smartphone Apps

Certain car manufacturers offer smartphone apps that grant you the ability to lock and unlock your vehicle remotely. These apps can be lifesavers in situations where you find yourself locked out, provided your phone has adequate power and a data connection. To maximize the effectiveness of this feature, always ensure your phone is adequately charged, and familiarize yourself with the app's functionalities. Additionally, it's prudent to establish a backup method, such as a physical key or key fob, in case your phone malfunctions or is lost.

Plan for Emergencies

Contact Information

Being prepared for emergencies is essential, and this includes always having access to crucial contact numbers. Keep a list of emergency contact numbers, including a trusted locksmith, in your wallet or saved in your phone. Having this information readily available can be a lifesaver if you ever find yourself locked out. Furthermore, ensure your phone's contact list includes a reliable friend or family member who can assist you in the event of an emergency. It's wise to inform them of your situation immediately, facilitating a swift and effective resolution.

Spare Key Holders

Consider utilizing a secure key holder that attaches to the exterior of your vehicle. These specialized holders are typically designed to be tamper-resistant and provide a discreet means of keeping a spare key accessible. However, caution is advised when selecting the attachment point on your car. Avoid conspicuous locations, such as under the wheel well or behind the license plate, as seasoned thieves may routinely check these areas. Instead, opt for a less conspicuous spot or employ a magnetic key holder that can be discreetly placed underneath your vehicle.

Roadside Assistance Membership

Investing in a roadside assistance membership can be a prudent decision, particularly if you frequently travel or encounter car-related emergencies. Many roadside assistance plans encompass lockout services, ensuring that a trained professional will promptly come to your aid if you're ever locked out of your vehicle. Take the time to research and compare different roadside assistance providers, selecting a plan that aligns with your needs and budget. Keeping your membership information, such as the contact number and policy details, easily accessible ensures a swift response in case of an emergency.

Stay Organized

Dedicated Key Spot

Instituting a specific location in your home for storing your car keys is a highly effective approach to prevent lockouts. By consistently placing your keys in the same designated spot, you mitigate the risk of misplacing them and unintentionally locking them inside your car. Consider employing a key rack, bowl, or hook near your front door to establish a designated key storage area. Additionally, establish a daily routine that involves promptly placing your keys in the designated spot upon entering your home. This simple habit can spare you the frantic search for your keys when you're rushing to leave.

Routine Maintenance

Regularly inspecting your car's locking mechanisms and keys for signs of wear or damage is a proactive measure that can help avert unexpected lockouts due to malfunctioning locks or keys. Thoroughly examine your keys for any indications of wear or bending, as keys in poor condition may not turn smoothly in the ignition or door locks. If you detect any issues, promptly replace or duplicate your keys through the services of a professional locksmith. Similarly, if you encounter difficulty turning the key in the lock or notice diminished responsiveness in your key fob's buttons, seek maintenance or replacement services as needed. Prioritizing key and lock maintenance can preemptively spare you the inconvenience of a lockout in the future.

Organize Your Routine

Incorporate key-related tasks into your daily routine to further minimize the likelihood of car lockouts. For instance, make it a habitual practice to remove your keys from the ignition as soon as you park your car. Confirm that you have your keys in hand before exiting the vehicle. Furthermore, before locking the doors, perform a comprehensive check to ensure that all passengers, including pets and children, are safely outside. By establishing a structured routine centered around key-related actions, you can reduce the chances of inadvertently leaving your keys within your car.

What to Do If You're Locked Out

Stay Calm

In the unfortunate event that you find yourself locked out of your car, the paramount rule is to remain calm. Panic can cloud your judgment and exacerbate an already stressful situation. Take a few deep breaths, collect your thoughts, and methodically assess your available options. It's vital to remember that you're not alone, and there are viable solutions at your disposal to regain access to your vehicle.

Contact a Professional Locksmith

If you've explored all feasible avenues and are still unable to regain access to your car, it's time to enlist the expertise of a professional automotive locksmith. These specialists are equipped with the requisite tools and knowledge to safely unlock your vehicle without causing any damage. Engaging in DIY methods, such as attempting to use coat hangers or slim jims, can often lead to vehicle damage and result in costly repairs. It is highly advisable to entrust car unlocking to the professionals. When reaching out to a locksmith, ensure that you provide them with as much information as possible. Include details such as your precise location, vehicle make and model, and any specific issues you are experiencing. This information will enable the locksmith to arrive prepared and expedite the process of assisting you.

Avoid DIY Methods

Resisting the urge to employ DIY methods for unlocking your car is strongly recommended. Such methods can cause harm to your vehicle's locks, windows, or door frames, resulting in extensive and costly damage. Additionally, these DIY techniques may inadvertently trigger your car's alarm system or airbags, leading to further complications and expenses. In the majority of cases, the potential risks and damage associated with DIY methods outweigh any perceived cost savings. It is far safer and more cost-effective to rely on the expertise of a certified automotive locksmith, who can efficiently resolve the lockout issue without harming your vehicle.

Consider Roadside Assistance

If your vehicle is covered by a roadside assistance program, do not hesitate to contact them immediately. Many of these plans encompass lockout services, offering a convenient and cost-effective solution to your predicament. Roadside assistance professionals are well-trained to handle a variety of car-related emergencies, including lockouts. They possess specialized tools and techniques that allow them to unlock your vehicle without causing any damage. If you are a member of a roadside assistance program, ensure that you have their contact information readily accessible in your phone or wallet for swift access in case of an emergency.

Preventing car lockouts is not only possible but also imperative for your peace of mind. By implementing the top tips outlined in this comprehensive guide and maintaining a proactive approach, you can substantially diminish the likelihood of finding yourself locked out of your car. Nevertheless, should a lockout ever occur, keep in mind that Smart Keys N Remotes LLC is here to assist you.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (316) 899-4519 or via email at [email protected]. Our dedicated team is available around the clock, 24/7, to cater to all your automotive locksmith needs, ranging from emergency lockouts to key duplication and an array of other services. Your convenience, security, and peace of mind are our foremost priorities. Be prepared, stay safe, and allow us to be your trusted partner, ensuring that the frustration of a car lockout never disrupts your day again.


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